By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry

Tagfacebook japan

Pictures: 10 Japanese Books On Facebook


If the amount of printed books on Facebook (business guides, how-to books etc.) is any indication for the popularity of the social network in Japan, then it’s starting to look better for Facebook over here. I visited my local book store today and counted a total of 10 Japanese books that were...

How Many Users Is Facebook Japan Ultimately Going For?


I just stumbled upon this thread on Quora in which someone claims he has seen Facebook Japan’s country growth manager Taro Kodama saying on TV his company is aiming at 50 million users in Japan. While I cannot confirm this statement (I haven’t seen the interview), I can offer a link to...

Facebook Japan Explains How They’re Different From Mixi


What’s the difference between Facebook and Mixi? That’s a big question many regular (non-geek) social media users in Japan ask themselves and a challenge for Facebook Japan: if they think Mixi is basically the same as Facebook, there is no point in changing sides. While I could easily...

Overview: Which Social Media Are Japanese Brands Using?


Facebook, Mixi, Twitter, GREE or Mobage? This is an anecdotal list of social media usage in Japan by brands, but it’s interesting. Tokyo-based ad and marketing company Agile Media Network, showed the following graph during the company’s Social Media Summit (via Internet Watch). The...

By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry