BDNA, the joint venture DeNA and Namco Bandai launched last year, has a new name and logo. The new name is BNDeNA (I don’t know which name is worse), and the new logo is pictured below. The joint venture hasn’t produced any game yet, but DeNA says that Macross SP Cross Deculture, a...
Alien Family: GREE’s 2nd US Social Game Is Doing Pretty Well [Social Games]
Following Zombie Jombie, GREE International has pushed out a second social game specifically geared towards a non-Japanese audience – and Alien Family, released on iOS in English (download), is doing pretty well. Just like Zombie Jombie, Alien Family has peaked at the No. 4 spot in the...
DeNA And Disney Ink Deal To Bring Social Games To Mobage Worldwide [Social Games]
Walt Disney Japan is betting high on social games, and the company has chosen Mobage operator DeNA as their partner for development and distribution of Disney-themed titles worldwide. The two companies don’t lose time – at least in Japan: after releasing the first jointly developed...
Presentation: DeNA And GREE – My Perspective On Japanese Social Games Going Global [Social Games]
How will GREE and DeNA (with Mobage) do outside Japan? That’s a key question for the future of these two companies – and one I tried to answer during a recent presentation I gave in Tokyo. Here’s the edited version of the slides (direct link to SlideShare): DeNA And GREE: My...
Mintest: Social Game Testing And Early User Acquisition In One [Social Games]
Tokyo-based Shift is running a clever, so-called “software test marketing site” called Mintest that can best be described as a platform for social game makers to test titles and acquire the first users at the same time. For social game makers, Mintest serves as a way to get actual...
au Smart Pass: KDDI’s Select Android App Service Is A Hit [Social Games]
au Smart Pass, a service KDDI (Japan’s second largest mobile carrier with about 30 million subscribers) launched on March 1, is on the way to become a massive success. au Smart Pass is an app subscription service for KDDI’s Android users: for a monthly fee of 390 yen/US$4.70, the...