Sekigahara Engi, a social card battle game developed by Tokyo-based D2C, hit the 1 million user mark on July 2 (the news was made public on Monday). The interesting bullet point here is that the app is only available in Japanese, only on smartphones (download for iOS and Android here), and...
Did DeNA Really Copy A GREE Game? High Court Says “No”. [Social Games]
Way back in September 2009, GREE sued DeNA for infringing the copyright on their hit social game Tsuri Star (Fishing Star outside Japan). GREE claimed that its biggest rival (or to be more precise: the developer of the game, Tokyo-based mobile tech company Orso) copied certain designs and game...
Tokyo-Based Social Games Maker Crooz Expands To San Francisco And Singapore [Social Games]
Tokyo-based social game maker Crooz announced the opening of two new offices outside Japan, Crooz America (in San Francisco, on August 1) and Crooz Asia (in Singapore, on July 26). Both subsidiaries will be headed by Japanese executives and focus on marketing some of Crooz’ Japanese titles in...
Mixi’s Q1 FY2012 Report: Sales And Profit Up Y-O-Y, But MAU Declining [Social Networks]
Mixi posted its financial report for Q1 FY2012, and in a nutshell, things look mixed (no pun intended) for Japan’s biggest real-identity social network. To dive right into it, sales went up 18.5% in the April-June quarter 2012 when compared to the same timeframe last year. Profits even went...
Mobage Gets “Marvel: War of Heroes” Card Battle Game [Social Games]
Following the deal with Hasbro to bring Transformers to Mobage, DeNA has now unveiled details about its previously announced Marvel game. In a nutshell, Marvel: War of Heroes will be exclusively available on Mobage in the form of a social card battle game. DeNA and Marvel Entertainment promise...
LINE Starts Cloning Facebook And Path. But This Won’t Work. [Social Networks]
From today, LINE, the impossibly successful messenger app made by NHN Japan, isn’t a messenger app anymore. As previously announced by the company, LINE is now officially a social network. By that, LINE tries to compete with Facebook. By focusing on mobile and a tight social graph, it tries...