By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry

Kantan Games Inc. CEO Blog – From Tokyo, Japan

By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry


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Game industry news outlet asked a number of analysts (including myself) for predictions how we think about the gaming business in 2020. Here is a repost from my contribution to their article: Last Year’s Predictions Switch Pro and Lite for 2019 – 50% correct. (But I...

Switch Lite Sales: The Bloomberg-Citi Disaster


I am German, and as such (I hope) a rather analytical and sober person. Based out of Tokyo, I have been consulting to financial institutions for almost a decade, both buy-side and sell-side. I am an economics PhD and have a solid understanding of how investment banks, investors and “the...

Japan’s Mobile Game Market Size Reaches US$13.3 Billion


Japan’s mobile gaming market is not only the world’s oldest and most mature, it has also reached a massive market scale over the last 10+ years. According to Japan’s Mobile Content Forum (MCF), the country’s market for games delivered on mobile devices reached US$13.3 billion* in 2018...

Japan’s Top 10 Mobile Games In 2018 (By Revenue)


Japanese data provider Gzbrain released an overview of Japan’s top 10 mobile games in terms of revenue for 2018 a few days ago. The list is based on the estimated gross revenue on iOS and Android combined (and in Japan only):1) Monster Strike from Mixi (2121): US$842 million2) Fate/Grand...

By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry