Gundam Royal, a social “space action” game offered on Mobage for feature phones and smartphones, now boasts 4 million registered users. Maker Namco Bandai released the title, which is based on Gundam, a super-popular Japanese anime series, in December 2010. Gundam Royal took 7 months to...
Lord Of The Dragons: KLab Releases New Social Card Battle Game In The Canadian App Store [Social Games]
I have mentioned it multiple times in the past: the App Store and Google Play will see a flood of made-in-Japan card battle games in the next few weeks and months. Rage Of Bahamut, Dragon Collection, Deity Wars, Driland, or Dark Summoner were just the beginning. Now Tokyo-based (and listed) social...
For LINE: NHN Japan Inks Distribution Deal With Carrier KDDI [Social Networks]
LINE, NHN Japan’s super-popular social app, is getting another push in Japan. KDDI, the country’s second largest mobile carrier (around 35 million customers), announced it will take LINE into its so-called “au Smart Pass” service. That service makes it possible for...
Metal Gear Solid Social Ops: Konami’s Hit Franchise Goes GREE [Social Games]
I have been admiring the work of Hideo Kojima, the designer behind hit video game franchise Metal Gear, for years. And today, during an event in Tokyo to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the action-adventure series, Kojima took the stage with GREE CEO Yoshikazu Tanaka to announce the first social...
DeNA Rolls Out Another “Next-Gen” Social Game: Souken No Cross Edge [Social Games]
Social RPG “Guilty Dragon”, social shooting game “Macross SP Deculture” and social RPG “Valkyries In The Twilight”: the list of what DeNA calls next-generation games for Mobage is getting longer. Yesterday the company released yet another title that’s being...
GREE TV: GREE To Start Social TV Service For Smartphones [Social Games]
GREE is actively exploring new fields of business as of late: just a few days after announcing a new subsidiary for merchandise based on GREE IP, the company today says it’s planning to expand to TV content, too. As you’d might expect, TV in this case means mobile TV, or mobile social...