Tokyo-based web powerhouse CyberAgent (4751) has released a report that sheds some light on a very specific but quickly growing segment of Japan’s vast online advertising market. According to the study, which was conducted together with market research firm Seed Planning, Japan’s market...
I Will Serve As A Judge At The Cardinal Game Jam In Silicon Valley Next Month
The Stanford Alumni Association is hosting the inaugural Cardinal Game Jam in Silicon Valley next month, an event that is open to game developers everywhere (companies not based in the US are welcome to join remotely – please see below for a possible sponsorship opportunity for devs located...
Release Calendar For Listed Japanese Mobile Game Companies (As Of Oct. 15)
Here is an updated calendar of major free-to-play native apps that publicly traded Japanese mobile game makers have announced for the coming months. Please note that these titles can be modified, canceled, or released at any given time. The list isn’t necessarily exhaustive, as games can...
Presentation: Trends In Mobile Gaming In Asia
Here is a presentation I gave in Kuala Lumpur at the inaugural #GoInnovate event, organized by Malaysian media conglomerate Astro in October 2014. The title of the presentation is “Trends In Mobile Gaming In Asia”: Trends In Mobile Gaming In Asia from Dr. Serkan Toto The direct link to the...
Release Calendar For Listed Japanese Mobile Game Companies (As Of Oct. 7)
Here is an updated calendar of major free-to-play native apps that publicly traded Japanese mobile game makers have announced for the coming months. Please note that these titles can be modified, canceled, or released at any given time. The list isn’t necessarily exhaustive, as games can...
Japanese Tablet Shipments Up In Q2 2014, Apple At 40% Market Share
Here is an update on the status quo of the Japanese market for tablets: according to a report issued by IDC Japan today, domestic tablet shipments increased 19.3% year-on-year to 1.97 million units in the second quarter of 2014. The research firm says that one of the main reasons for the plus is...