In 2009, Tokyo-based PHIRIA DESIGN landed a surprise hit with the “Bijin Tokei” (hot girl clock) app, which shows random Japanese girls holding up a sign that displays the current time – and nothing else. The company launched Bijin Tokei on various platforms (i.e. the iPhone)...
CyberAgent Plans To Intensify VC Business In Asia
Japan’s biggest business daily The Nikkei is reporting today that CyberAgent plans to step up their venture capital investment activities in Asia. Back in December last year, CyberAgent said it partnered up with DeNA and venture capital firm Japan Asia Investment (China) to invest a total of...
Sunshine Ranch: Mixi’s Top Social Game Goes Smartphone [Social Games]
Tokyo-based social gaming company Rekoo Japan (the parent company has its HQ in Beijing) caused a sensation in summer 2009 with a title called Sunshine Ranch. Rekoo launched the Farmville-like game on Mixi, right after Japan’s biggest social network opened its app platform, and attracted a...
New Social Game On Mobage Gets 100,000 Users In 14 Hours [Social Games]
If you have ever wondered how DeNA can generate over $1 billion in sales with a Japan- and mobile-only social gaming platform, here’s a pointer: Tokyo-based social game maker GMS announced that “Daisoudatsu Legend Card” just hit 100,000 users on DeNA’s Mobage gaming platform...
GREE Releases Smartphone Versions Of 3 Hit Games [Social Games]
It took them a while, but GREE today announced the release of smartphone versions of three of their hit social games, namely fishing game “Tsuri Star” monster-raising game “Monpla” (Monster Planet) battle action game “Kaizoku Koukoku Columbus” (Pirate Kingdom...
DeNA To Hire 50-100 Disaster Victims As Contract Workers [Social Games]
DeNA has announced something unusual yesterday: the social games company plans to hire between 50 to 100 employees coming from areas in Japan that were hit by the big earthquake from March 11. DeNA’s motivation is to do their part in supporting the victims of the disaster, following their 100...