Disney hasn’t only entered CyberAgent’s Ameba Piggu virtual world, they just inked a deal with DeNA, too. Disney MyLand is a social themepark simulation game, which features the company’s iconic characters (and which is already available on Mobage). The goal of the game is to...
Kakaku Releases Web Access Statistics For March 2011 [E-Commerce]
Kakaku has released [ENG, PDF] new online access information on its most important properties for March 2011, the eponymous price comparison portal and restaurant guide (and Gourmet Navigator competitor) Tabelog. Kakaku can be pretty happy about the development on a year-on-year basis, even though...
Mobage To Get Social Baseball Game Next Month [Social Games]
DeNA has announced it has inked a deal with professional baseball team Yomiuri Giants, Nippon TV and others to bring a “social baseball game” to Mobage next month. The game, dubbed Dramatic Kyojingun (Dramatic Giants), lets Mobage users choose members of the current (and former) Yomiuri...
Nico Nico Douga Airs 13 New Anime Series This Spring [Video Services]
Nico Nico Douga is airing even more anime series. Dwango, or to be more precise its subsidiary Niwango, has added four new animes to the “Nico Nico Douga channel”. The new series bring the total number of animes that started airing on the platform this month to 13. Each show has a set...
CyberAgent Turns Celebrity Blogs Into Smartphone Apps [Blogging Services]
CyberAgent‘s Ameba is not only Japan’s biggest blogging site with 13 million members, it’s also famous for its “Ameba Geinoujin-Yuumeijin” (“Ameba Talents-Celebrities”) blogging platform, which hit the 9,000 user mark in January 2011. And now CyberAgent announced it will turn a...
CyberAgent Invests In Startup Kayac [Investments]
CyberAgent, online fashion store operator Start Today and venture capital firm Globis Capital Partners have invested 350 million yen in Kayac, a web startup based out of Kamakura, Japan. According to reports in Japanese media, the stakes will add up to around 10% of the entire company. Kayac was...