Tokyo-based social app provider gumi released Happyful Garden on GREE, which is (as the name suggests) a new gardening game (the title’s biggest competitor on the platform is GREE’s self-developed Haconiwa). In the game, the player is supposed to create a garden by planting flowers...
DeNA Expands Their “Royal” Series On Mobage With Teikoku Royal [Social Games]
DeNA has added a new title on Mobage to its main proprietary sub-brand for social games, the “Royal” series (the most popular title being Kaitou Royal), today. Story-wise, “Teikoku Royal”, which is designed as a social adventure game, takes place somewhere in the...
Mixi Posts Financial Results For Fiscal 2010 [Financial Reports]
Mixi released the earnings result for the full fiscal year 2010 on its website. According to the report, Mixi now has 23.37 million users, saw sales growing 24.1% year-year-on-year, and operating income growing 22.5%.
The entire report can be downloaded in English from here.
Rakuten Finally Gives Up On TBS [E-Commerce]
The saga between Rakuten and major Japanese TV broadcaster TBS has finally come to an end. After years of battling out in court (and on the Tokyo Stock Exchange), TBS has bought back Rakuten’s entire 19.94% stake yesterday. The purchase ended a capital partnership, which began back in 2005...
GREE Posts Financial Results For Q3 Of Fiscal 2011 [Financial Reports]
GREE posted the financial results for the third quarter of the current fiscal (that ends for GREE on June 30, 2001) on its website. In a nutshell, things are looking very good: net sales per quarter, operating profit, ordinary profit, and net income are up at least by 51% year-on-year. Download...
“Love Kyun! Idol Battle” Is A New Idol Raising Game On GREE [Social Games]
Mobage may have just added Star Girls to its social games catalog, but last week, an idol raising game also found its way to GREE. Dubbed “Love Kyun! Idol Battle”, the title lets GREE users take on the role of a producer in an artist agency. Players need to choose girls with potential...