Question: Who is the daily deal market leader in Japan? (on Answer: Piku is the first daily deal service in Japan (launched in April 2010), but it’s not the market leader. Groupon Japan is leading the local market, after Groupon bought Qpod, a Japanese clone in August 2010 (and...
DeNA Expands Samsung Android Distribution Deal To Japan [Social Games]
When DeNA announced in December that Samsung will ship all of their future Android handsets worldwide with Mobage pre-installed, one country was excluded: Japan, DeNA’s home market. But now DeNA confirmed that Mobage will land on Samsung’s Android handsets distributed in Japan, too...
DeNA Buys Dutch Social Gaming Company Rough Cookie [Social Games]
DeNA has, for the first time, bought a company in Europe. Amsterdam-based Rough Cookie, a social games maker DeNA’s ngmoco has been collaborating with since 2008, was acquired through an all-cash deal today. Rough Cookie follows the acquisitions of Icebreaker, Astro Ape, Gameview, and ngmoco...
Traffic On Kakaku And Tabelog Recovers Following Earthquake [E-Commerce]
The earthquake that hit Japan on March 11 hit Japan’s web industry in different ways. says that they suffered badly in the days after the quake (-30% daily users for Kakaku itself, and even -40% for restaurant service Tabelog) but saw a quick recovery as far as traffic is concerned...
Genki Announces Gang Warz For Mobage For Smartphone [Social Games]
Tokyo-based Genki has announced “Gang Warz” for Mobage for Smartphone, a social game for Android that looks much like a shameless clone of Grand Theft Auto. In the game, players take on the role of a street gang member whose gang battles it out with other Mobage players and who has to...
Gourmet Navigator (Gurunabi) Gets Pre-Installed On Docomo Handsets [E-Commerce]
One of Japan’s most popular online restaurant services, Gourmet Navigator (English website), has announced it landed a significant distribution deal with NTT Docomo. Starting in June, Japan’s biggest mobile carrier will pre-install a dedicated Gourmet Navigator application on...