By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry

Kantan Games Inc. CEO Blog – From Tokyo, Japan

By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry


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My Presentation On “Mobile Learning In Japan”


Earlier this month, I was lucky to spend a few days in Indonesia where I was honored to give a keynote presentation at the APAC Mobile Leaning Conference 2011 in Bandung (Indonesia’s third largest city and, as it turned out, quite a tech hotspot, too). The presentation centered on...

GREE Enables Payments Via Edy E-Money [Social Games]


One key factor for the success of the mobile social gaming business model (and for all mobile content, for that matter) in Japan is that consumers over here can pay for products and services through their cell phones so easily. Now GREE has made it even easier to pay for virtual items and avatar...

Mixi Alters Its Footprint Function [Social Networking]


In many way, social networking in Japan is very much different from social networking in other regions. Mixi, Japan’s largest real identity social network, always had one distinct function: ashi ato, the ability to check which other Mixi user visited one’s profile at which time. This...

By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry