Tokyo-based market research company looops is running a regular web TV show that focuses on different topics of Japan’s web industry each time. The show yesterday was about “the future of social games” in Japan and elsewhere. During the show, looops employee Kensuke Komura pulled...
Emblem Of The Gods: DeNA’s Social Card Battle Game Tops 500,000 Users [Social Games]
Emblem Of The Gods, a social card battle game DeNA launched on Mobage last November, has racked up 500,000 users. DeNA first released the title on Mobage for feature phones before rolling out a smartphone (browser) version in December. Overall, Emblem Of The Gods is doing OK (the game is in the top...
For Dragon Collection: Konami Starts Marketing Campaign In Tokyo [Social Games]
What do you do when you have a mobile social game that’s 1.5 years old, already has 5 million+ registered users on GREE and that may near the end of its life cycle soon? If you are Konami and have a super hit like Dragon Collection in your portfolio, you start promoting the game to acquire...
Square Enix’ Final Fantasy Brigade Tops 500,000 Mobage Users In 13 Days [Social Games]
Square Enix can be satisfied with the performance of Final Fantasy Brigade, the first social game based on the classic RPG series. The title hit 500,000 registered players, 13 days after launch on Mobage on January 7. Square Enix released a prettier smartphone browser version a few days after the...
Klab Releases Its First Native App, Shin Sengoku Buster [Social Games]
Tokyo-based social game maker Klab, which went IPO in September last year, released its first native app. The game in question is Shin Sengoku Buster, one of Klab’s most successful titles. Just like the feature phone and smartphone browser versions, the iOS app is embedded in the Mobage...
Konami Won’t Be Happy: gloops’ Social Baseball Card Game Hits 2.5 Million Users [Social Games]
The biggest third-party game provider on Mobage, Tokyo-based gloops, announced its social baseball card game “Dainekkyo!! Pro Yakyu Card” hit 2.5 million users on January 8. The game was released on August 18, reached 1.5 million registered players on October 19, and 2 million on November 18...