By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry

Now Available On GREE: 100 Man Shin Sangoku Musou [Social Games]


Announced last month, available today: GREE finally released Tecmo Koei’s 100 Man Shin Sangoku Musou, a social game that mixes action with tactical elements.

The title is a standalone/original game, but GREE says if owners of the PS3 version use a serial to be found inside the game’s box, they can get a “rare” virtual item that can’t be obtained in any other way (very clever).

100 Man Shin Sangoku Musou is exclusively available on GREE for Japanese feature phones.


About the author

Dr. Serkan Toto

I am the CEO & Founder of Kantan Games Inc., an independent consultancy focused on Japan’s game industry.

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By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry